Introduction to the Ayahuasca Social Community App
The Ayahuasca Social Community App – a first of its kind Mobile App solely focused on the Holy Medicine of the Holy and Divine Mother Ayahuasca – has been in the making for a while. The App aims to be the ultimate app for almost everything related to learning about the Holy Medicine of the Holy and Divine Mother Ayahuasca, and finding Retreats, like-minded community members, join activities with the community and much more.
Features of the Ayahuasca Social Community App
1. Find information about the Holy Medicine
The app will provide access to information on the Holy Medicine from authentic sources including, text, books, videos, audios, news, articles, and more.
2. Search for and book Retreats and Sacred Ceremonies from all over the world
You can search for retreats and Sacred Ceremonies from all over the world and book them.
3. Find like-minded community members, communicate, and organise meetups
We know it may be difficult to find other likeminded fellow beings who will understand you or the journey you are in. The Ayahuasca Social Community App allows you to find other fellow seekers, match them using filters, and much more. You can thereafter chat with each other and organise video calls and meetups. There is generally no charge for most of the features. Any extra money goes to development of the app or are donated to the communities and organization promoting the Holy Medicine of the Holy and Divine Mother Ayahuasca.
4. Remain Anonymous or Reveal identity selectively with members you choose
If you do not want to reveal you identity, you can use ‘Onion Mode’ and only reveal the info you want to reveal selectively with other community members.
5. Find products from sellers worldwide and art, handicrafts, and more
Search and buy good quality products related to the Holy Medicine of the Holy and Divine Mother Ayahuasca, such as ‘Visionary’ paintings from various artists, or objects needed for Sacred Ceremonies, handicrafts from the Amazonian indigenous communities, or collector’s items.
6. Share your experiences with the community, join discussion boards, receive advice
Share your experience from Sacred Ceremonies or otherwise with the community, post photos, join discussions, ask questions, and much more.
7. Fundraise, donate, receive support
You can request support, start fundraisers for your relevant ‘reason’, or donate to a good cause – for example to support a Shipibo community with medicine or food, or to finish a painting, and similar causes. You can contact organisations like ICEERS directly through the Ayahuasca Social Community App.
Which Platforms will the App be available?
Initially the App is aimed to be made available in Android and iOS, and later, with a web version.
When is the App likely to be released?
It is difficult and time-consuming to organise a community, develop technical features of the App, onboard Retreats and Sacred Ceremony organisers. The first early version of the App is aimed to be released by Q4 of 2021. The first version of the App aims to have most the features and functionalities. Upcoming versions will continue to have upgrades and developments.
Some Screens from the App Mockup