Most famous artists and arts inspired by the ‘Visions’ of the Holy and Divine Mother Ayahuasca

Many participants of Sacred Ceremonies say they cannot describe the experience they have had with the Holy Medicine of the Holy and Divine Mother Ayahuasca. It is understandable. How can you talk about something ‘otherworldly’ using worldly words? The places and spaces of multiverses, ineffable, and non-linguistic ‘Holy Experiences’. Often, the ‘Holy Experiences’ involve vivid imagery which defy what is known to be  seeable in three-dimensional reality of day-to-day consciousness. However, some brilliant artists have presented the ‘Visions’ in art, which look very very close to the experiences, and most participants from the Sacred Ceremonies can recognise.

Some of the Famous Artists painting inspired by the ‘Visions’ of Holy and Divine Mother Ayahuasca

  1. Pablo Amaringo: The legendary artist whose art has introduced countless to the Holy Medicine worldwide.
  2. Amanda Sage
  3. Luis Tamani
  4. Martina Hoffmann
  5. Vanni Mangoni 
  6. Boris Quinteros
  7. Lobsang Melendez Ahuanari 
  8. Li Lian Kolster
  9. Rai wëni 
  10. Chris Dyer
  11. Helena Arturaleza
  12. Mariela de la Paz 
  13. Brus Rubio
  14. Geenss Archenti Flores

Some famous paintings and art inspired by the ‘Visions’ and Blessings from the Holy and Divine Mother Ayahuasca

Pablo Amaringo with his painting “Templo Sacrosanto” – Photo: Howard Charing         

LUIS TAMANI, Guardianes, acylic on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2014

“One” by Helena Arturaleza and Vondove.

“The Purge” by Chris Dyer.

AMANDA SAGE, White Tara, giclee on canvas, 24 x 32 in, 2014

ANDERSON DEBERNARDI, Sinfonia Shamanica, oil, 91 x 71 cm, 2010
“Caduceus” by Rai wëni

“Aya Mama” by Mariela de la Paz

“La Concentracíon” by Brus Rubio.

“Ampikuk Payay” by Geenss Archenti Flores.
PABLO AMARINGO – “Transformacion del Chamán en Aguila”

“Into the Heart” by Trina Brammah.

“Medicine Birds” By Li Lian Kolster.

“Ceremonia A La Vida” by Lobsang Melendez Ahuanari.

“Taita Kambo” by Boris Quinteros

“Amazon Vision” by Vanni Mangoni.

