‘Ayahuasca’, the Holy Medicine, helping change lives globally
The Holy Medicine, referred to as ‘Ayahuasca’, of the Holy and Divine Mother Ayahuasca, has been a long-treasured well-kept secret within the Amazons and has
The Holy Medicine, referred to as ‘Ayahuasca’, of the Holy and Divine Mother Ayahuasca, has been a long-treasured well-kept secret within the Amazons and has
The Holy Medicine has tremendous influence on the human mind and the ‘consciousness’. Benny Shanon, a explorer of the Holy Medicine, and the author of
A profound revolution has been taking place in the scientific community in understanding of Trees in the recent times. Many scientists have changed their Darwinian
Many cultures across the world consider Trees as Sacred, and some cultures worship Trees. This has been practiced almost universally by all the ancient civilizations
For thousands of years, the Amazonian indigenous people have been using plant-based entheogenic Holy Medicine to cure physical, mental, and spiritual misalignment prepared from the
It is believed in the Amazons that Holy Plants love ‘sharp, strong, sweet smells’. Therefore, to protect against malevolent persons ad their pathogenic projectiles, one
There are generally two necessary ingredients to prepare the Holy Medicine of the Holy and Divine Mother Ayahuasca. The first and main ingredient is the
For thousands of years, the Holy Medicine has traditionally been consumed within the context of Sacred Ceremony by the Amazonians. Consuming the Holy Medicine by
Though there are various mysteries around the origin of the Holy Medicine, evidence strongly suggests that the Napo is the place of origin both of
The Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal (Union of the Vegetal) is also known as UDV, one of the third religions for the Holy and